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Click here for the volunteer form

Volunteers are the most important resource any organizations can have. The ability of people to work willingly together for the betterment of their organization and themselves is a valuable resource.

And since GLAC is purely a volunteer run organization, there is no better time to become a volunteer today.  We at GLAC are constantly looking out for new volunteers who can make help take GLAC to the next level.

Ways to Volunteer

bulletEvent Management
bulletEvent communication and advertising
bulletMan our entry booths during our GLAC events
bulletAudio/Video management during the event
bulletArtist Support
bulletPick up / drop off at the airport
bulletHosting and entertaining artists when they are in the area

Benefits of Volunteering

Think about how much you receive when you give and consider why you want to volunteer. You may have several different reasons. Here are just a few of the many possible motivations identified by our other volunteers:

bulletto share a passion for music and get to know our community
bulletto demonstrate commitment to a cause/belief
bulletto gain leadership skills and to do your civic duty
bulletsatisfaction from accomplishment
bulletbecause there is no one else to do it

Click here for the volunteer form



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